About Sharon

The Journey...

Sharon Martin

The journey to this day and this company most certainly started when I chose to come into this human body and into the family I joined. Even as a young child I looked at the world somewhat differently than others and often wasn’t content with the answers I was getting from all those “more knowledgeable” people or organizations around me that said that I had to act a certain way or that they knew what was best for me and that I needed to act and think inside of their box. Though I often did try to please them and conform, unless I felt it was to my best good to continue or I was passionate about what I was doing, I eventually would fall away and go my separate way, usually very quietly and with very little drama.

I always had a strong conviction that there was something more to this life experience; that the choices were not as limited as those around me taught and that we had control of what happened in our lives. Though my family tolerated and allowed my not adhering to accepted practices (as long as I didn’t embarrass them or get into trouble), it wasn’t until I was in my 20’s that my path (lighted by something my son did) led me to a group of people who not only believed in many of the things I did, but who were also willing to share their knowledge and practices with me.

There have been many forks in the journey. I truly believe that there are no wrong choices, but that some choices can take you down a 4-lane highway straight to your goal and others will put you onto the scenic route, full of curves and winding through the countryside. Neither road is wrong, just different paths. I have taken a lot of scenic paths over the years to get to where I am now. I have been called a daughter and granddaughter, a wife, a mother, an aunt, a friend, an employee, a boss, a co-worker and more recently a grandmother. I am also known as an intuitive. a channeler and reader, a coach and a teacher. Each role met different needs that I had and each was, and is, important to me.

The “Dark Night Of The Soul”

Then in January 2016 I posted my last post on this site before entering into a time of my life that I can only call the “dark night of the soul.” Suddenly life didn’t feel right anymore. I was questioning everything I believed, was searching for answers that no one seemed to have and so another journey began that would lead me in a direction that I had not dreamed of in a long time. It wasn’t until many months into my search that I realized that I, along with numerous other light-workers was going through the ascension process. The journey included a lot of soul searching, clearing, purging of LOTS of old programming and re-membering who I am and what I came here for.

Aided by some wonderful teachers, both human and spiritual it also included a lot of shifts in understanding my truths, my value to humanity, my gifts and releasing of preconceived ideas of how I can serve and contribute to the changes that are in progress with mother earth, humanity and the Universal community and the understanding that this is truly is an on-going process that will continue at least as long as I am holding this physical body. 

Heart Centered Awareness

The technical stuff: I have been channeling and doing intuitive readings since a was in my early 20’s. and have done intuitive writing since I was a young child.

I have worked with energy and healing most of my life and have explored many different healing modalities. I am Certified in Reiki and am a Certified Theta Healing Practitioner. I have developed my own healing modality that is a combination of all the different healing modalities I have learned, along with my own intuitive energy healing. Most recently I have begun combining energy healing with sound therapy.

I have been a Certified Life Coach since 2010, and January 2013 received my Certification in the Heart IQ Method, a Heart Intelligence program developed by Christian Pankhust. Eventually, I developed my Heart Centered Awareness Training which is my interpretation of a combination things I have learned from many heart-focused and law of attraction programs and teachers I have studied over the years that resonate as true to me, combined with the information given to me through my channeling and intuitive reading sessions.

SharMar Creations

Then, after another soul-searching break while I looked for the next road to follow, again there was another fork that led me to look at what had fulfilled me and given me joy in the past, which resulted in my creating SharMar Creations. This part of my business allows my creative self to come to the surface as I create one-of-a-kind, unique gifts. Each one is infused with heart love and is divinely guided to get to the person they can provide the most joy to.

Sound Therapy/Energy Healing

It was also during this time that I completed intensive training and being gifted with the titles of Shaman and Medicine Woman. I followed that with becoming Certified in Sound Therapy. And I also recognized that part of the reason I am here is to help others get through all the major changes that are occurring with both earth and humanity as we ascend to the next level.

With that, I am doing sound baths and individual sound therapy/energy healing sessions that incorporate the Heart Centered Awareness program and channeling/intuitive readings. I am also continuing SharMar Creations and expanding the line to include other things. I look forward to connecting with you all.

♥ ♥ ♥  My Heart to Yours   ♥ ♥ ♥


♥ ♥ ♥

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