Sound Bath Services and Fees

Sound Bath Healing Sessions

Individual Healing Sound Bath Session

An individual sound bath can be done virtually or in-person with the same benefits and results. The only preparation a participant needs to do is to have an open mind as what you will experience and receive. Individual sound baths are especially beneficial if you have a specific challenge that you are attempting to find solutions for.   

I am intuitively guided to give you the experience that is the best for you at the moment. Though it is not always what you think you need, it is always what the Universe knows you need from the opening beat of the drum to the end of the experience.

We begin with a guided visualization journey, accompanied with drumming to allow connecting to your heart and to the Theta level so that you get the most of the sound bath. Then I use a variety of vibration-inducing instruments such as Himalayan singing bowls, tuning forks, and various chimes to help you release anxiety, stress and negativity and to offer the gifts of healing on all levels.

The session usually runs for about one hour and includes a short discussion to determine the specific goals for the session. The sound bath itself normally runs between 30 to 45 minutes. Then there is an intuitive reading or channeling that is specific to what you most need at this moment in time.

  • 30-minute online session – $35
  • 60-minute online session – $50 
  • 60-minute in person session – $60

Group Sound Bath

Whether it is a group of three or four friends coming together for a cause, or a group of six to ten individuals each coming for their own enjoyment or healing, the benefits of the vibrational changes and healing that a sound bath offers are increased tenfold for each participant. Though group sessions are usually in-person events, they can be done virtually also with no loss of benefits.

The only preparation a participant needs to do is to come with an open mind and, if you prefer to lay down during the sound bath, to bring a yoga mat blanket to lay on. Know that, even in a group, each person’s experience is going to be their own and will not be the same as the others in the group.

The opening beating of the drum is accompanied by a guided visualization journey to allow connecting to your heart and theta level so that you get the most of the sound bath. Then the variety of vibration-inducing instruments such as Himalayan singing bowls, tuning forks, and various chimes move throughout the room, helping you release anxiety, stress and negativity and to offer the gifts of healing on all levels.

I am intuitively guided to which instruments to play and how to play them to best serve the group of people I am working with at the moment. The sound bath itself normally runs between 30 to 45 minutes and is usually followed by my giving each or all of the participants a short individual intuitive reading.

  • Suggested $20 per person donation
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