Essential Oils and Crystals

Essential Oils

Plants have the power to heal, and people have turned to the power of plants for healing purposes since the dawn of civilization. Essential Oils are highly concentrated extracts of plant material — such as seeds, flowers, stems or roots that come from a variety of plant sources, including flowers, grasses, fruits, roots, trees, and leaves. Each plant has its own energetic vibration that interacts with energetic vibration of our bodies, helping to return the cells to their natural perfect state. Essential Oils are often used for healing and relaxation and to relieve insomnia, stress, anxiety and depression.

Essential Oils are often used to reduce the symptoms of numerous physical ailments, A growing number of medical and mental health practitioners are using Essential Oils in aromatherapy to help their patients manage symptoms and pain and to help calm patients.

Historically it has been found that many Essential Oils are beneficial in helping heal specific physical or mental challenges, such as orange oil can help with depression, peppermint oil can boost energy levels, lemon oil can decrease nausea or neroli oil can decrease pain. Studies have found that lavender can help improve anxiety before surgery and in 2014 Germany approved lavender as a legitimate medicinal substance for treating anxiety because of its calming properties.

One-third or more Americans believe in the health benefits of Essential Oils and that percentage is even higher in other countries. Not only are we using them for the same reasons the medical and mental health practitioners are, we are often using them in meditation or spiritual practices to cleanse and align our environments, our bodies, our chakras and to elevate or balance our moods.  

Basically, there are two different ways that Essential Oils create physical effects on the body and mind and, depending on the person, the situation and the oil, either or both may be activated by the Essential Oil.

First Essential Oils effect the mind and body through sensory memory – something that is transmitted or perceived by the senses such as smelling a rose. Whenever I smell violets, the memory of my grandmother is immediately activated. Inhaling Essential Oils allows the smells to directly affect the part of the brain known as the limbic system.

Second the chemicals in Essential Oils can interact with your body and are able to produce medicinal effects when applied to the body correctly. The Essential Oils can literally penetrate through your skin and into your cells. Pure Essential Oils are proven to contain more beneficial medicinal properties than synthetic oils, primarily because the body cannot properly metabolize synthetics, which contain unnatural amounts of chemical and components that don’t occur in nature.  

Of note – even though each Essential Oil has characteristics that generally make it excellent for certain uses such as helping relieve stress or curing a headache, I believe that it is important for you to use your intuition when choosing oils for specific uses. We are each different and I know that sometimes I am intuitively called to use a different Essential Oil for something than the one that works for most people.

There are numerous articles on line on what Essential Oils to use and how to use them. Essential Oils can be applied topically, inhaled or used in a diffuser. Though there are some food approved Essential Oils entering the market, most Essential Oils should not be ingested, especially in pure form.

I believe the most important is to use research the companies you are going to buy oils from because, since they are not regulated by the FDA, all Essential Oils are not created equal. I have found several companies on line that can provide you with high quality Essential Oils and blends that are already blended with a carrier oil. Some of the also sell 100% pure Essential Oils. Of note, if the oil says therapeutic grade it probably is already blended with a carrier oil. If you are going to blend your own Essential Oils be sure to buy 100% pure Essential Oils.

Disclaimer Essential Oils All information provided in this article is for informational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information in this book for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem.


It is known that Crystals have been used since early Egyptian times to treat the body for various ailments. Since then Crystals have been utilized not only promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing but have also been used for numerous other areas including relaxation and balancing or resetting the energy in rooms or buildings.

Our energetic vibration is affected by everything around us. Our own emotions and feelings, the environmental factors, the foods we eat, the world and people around us, physical illness, work or family related challenges are all trying to grab our attention and can be instrumental in bringing our energetic vibrations down.

However, nothing affects the energy of Crystals. The crystalline structure of crystals cannot change, so re they always a constant vibrational healing energy as they remove blockages around the body and hel to restore the natural vibrational flow of the body’s energy.

Similar to other forms of alternative therapy, Crystals work by assisting your energy levels to focus on healing your body from the inside. They can uplift our mood and promote physical and mental health in a positive manner, similar to the way essential oils work.

Crystals vibrate at the same pitch as humans. Therefore, Crystals can easily communicate with the body’s energetic vibration, allowing the positive energy of the Crystal to flow into the body and acting like a magnet that absorbs the negative, toxic energies.

When you place or hold a Crystal over the body, it interacts with the body’s chakras and promotes physical, mental and emotional healing. Used in certain ways Crystals can improve your concentration and creativity, promote physical, emotional and spiritual cleansing.

Each individual type of Crystal carries its own properties and powers is said to help to relieve specific ailments such as anxiety, depression and insomnia, or more physical ailments such as digestive problems. Probably one of the most popular Crystals is the rose quartz, which is known as the stone of Universal love and is commonly use to heal relationship issues, to promote love, self-love, deep inner healing and feelings of peace.

Using Crystals is easy and convenient. They can be held or placed on the body, can be worn in jewelry or can be carried in pockets. I often get funny looks when I go through the security lines at the airport and pull several Crystals out of my pocket. I also have Crystals in most of my purses.

Though each Crystal has specific properties, I suggest you don’t get too tied up in which one you have to use for what. Instead let your intuition guide you. Though I regularly use specific Crystals for specific reasons, I also often go to my Crystals and just pick up whichever ones speak to me, knowing that my higher self is guiding my selection. 

Essential Oils and Crystals

The power of Crystals combined with the healing energy of Essential Oils equals double the healing, double the vibrational energy rise – double the pleasure.

If you have learned to feel energy then, when you combine two of nature’s most powerful n healers – Essential Oils and Crystals, you can feel how combining the two magnetizes the healing energy into an amazingly strong vibrational healing energy. Each is powerful in it’s own right, but combining them enhances the energetic vibration and benefits that you receive.

The energetic vibration of each works directly with the energetic vibration of the body to heal physical, mental and emotional challenges, to uplift moods, reduce stress and anxiety, to enhance energy and creativity, and to help clear blocks, negativity and toxins and to balance both our bodies and the area around us.

Each raises our vibrations, healing from the inside out and helping to remove toxins, negative emotions and dis-ease within us.

With that we are offering a series of Essential Oil – Crystal blends, each carefully blended to match crystal with oils that are used for specific challenges or enhancements, such as clear quartz crystal chips with lavender, orange, sandalwood and ylang ylang to help restore calm. Or perhaps black obsidian with bergamot, orange, basil and sage to instill confidence.

Go to the SharMar Creations store to see more.  

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